Final content migration

December 05, 2024 | Work: 2024-09

This may just be a placeholder. I’m trying to backfill some content that I did not have the time to write in the last quarter of 2024.

Social buttons

The original site had these cool social buttons for linking. I used some background images, CSS animations, and transformations to make the buttons have more character.

I didn’t want to have to apply the styles to each and every button, so instead I made a button class style that derives from the href property of the tag. So a link like: <a class="button" href="">Listen</a> would have a css definition like:

.button[href*=""] {
  background-image: url("spotify.png");
  transition: .75s;
  /* ... */

  &:hover {
    transition: .75s;
    /* ... */

Now any link with the button class on the site that links to will have that treatment.

Remaining Content

This included all static content (about pages, etc). Wythe handled finalizing all of the product pages to ensure they were all correct for ordering purposes.

We have PAX Unplugged looming in a few days, so we also migrated the “Conventions” page, which had a cool table showing the schedule of all our events. I was able to recreate it in the visual editor, and apply the styling using an external stylesheet. This didn’t take too long, thankfully.