Contract signed!

March 18, 2024 | Work: 2024-04

Wythe and I went over the terms of the contract and negotiated some of the finer points, to where we were both happy with the language it contained. I had a lawyer friend of mine, who is very involved with board games, review it as well to make sure there wasn’t anything that I hadn’t thought to ask about.

With this done, the next step is to meet with the artist on wednesday evening to go over the aesthetics and specs for the illustrations. After that’s done, I need to finalize the final rules copy that incorporates the re-themed language (Robot Factory -> Robot Hospital, and all the other new names therein), and then most of it is out of my hands.

I will have some input, though not executive “final word”, on illustration and layout. I’m OK with that.

The plan is to print 5,000 copies of it initially, some portion of which will go through our national distributor and potentially be vended at gaming stores all across the country. This is particularly exciting.